Dental Services

Dental Services

Our Family's Promise to You

  • Our board-certified prosthodontist, master ceramist, and all-star team deliver world-class care.
  • We provide concierge-style dental experiences. You are our sole priority.
  • We’re a family-owned practice, and we’ll care for you like family.

Prosthodontic Dental Services in Estero and Bonita Springs

Bringing your smile back to life

Designing Healthy, Beautiful Smiles

When it comes to finding a dentist to restore your smile, you want someone who truly listens and has the technology and services you need to achieve the smile you deserve. Our prosthodontic dental services in Bonita Springs have helped countless patients smile again.

Restore. Renew. Rejuvenate.

Smile Rejuvenations of Southwest Florida is proud to offer unparalleled prosthodontic dental services to our Bonita Springs and Estero patients. From cosmetic dentistry to dentures to implants, we’re dedicated to elevating your health and confidence.

Setting Your Smile Up for Success

Prosthodontic dental services in Bonita Springs

We Believe Everyone Deserves a Healthy Smile

At Smile Rejuvenations of Southwest Florida, what makes us stand out is our state-of-the-art facility complete with an in-office lab that allows us to provide the most accurate, durable, and quick results for our patients. Dr. Anderson leads our compassionate team, and as a board-certified prosthodontist, she has the experience and skills to take your oral health to the next level.

Dr. Anderson is passionate about involving her patients in every step of their treatment, making sure you’re always on the same page and feeling confident to make educated decisions about your oral health. Our promise to you is to provide an environment where you feel safe, supported, and heard and to deliver the results you deserve for a beautiful and healthy smile.

Find out how Smile Rejuvenations Can Bring Your Smile Back to Life.

Our Services

Secure, Reliable Denture Solutions

Dentures provide a reliable and sturdy solution for patients who are missing most or all of their teeth. This option restores the appearance of your smile and your ability to eat and speak with confidence. Our advanced dental technology allows us to create comfortable and secure dentures that look and feel beautiful and natural and support your facial structure.

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Dental Implants for a Whole, Healthy Smile

Dental implants provided by Dr. Anderson are custom-shaped and fitted to match the rest of your teeth and mouth. Made from a titanium post surgically anchored to your jawbone, implants are topped with a temporary tooth while your jaw bonds with the post. After a healing period, the permanent crown will be attached to the post, allowing you to resume normal function.

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Achieve the Smile of Your Dreams with Cosmetic Dentistry

Our expert team has the skills, experience, and tech to help you achieve your dental goals through cosmetic dentistry in Bonita Springs. Whether you’re dealing with a chipped or broken tooth, discoloring or deep stains, misalignment, or crooked teeth, we have what it takes to deliver the smile you deserve. Our cosmetic dentistry services include professional whitening, custom-colored crowns and veneers, and more.

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Relax with Sedation Dentistry

If you’re struggling with dental anxiety, don’t worry—Smile Rejuvenations of Southwest Florida offers several different sedation therapy options to keep you cool, calm, and comfortable during treatment. Oral sedation dentistry in Bonita Springs, provided by Dr. Anderson, will help ease your anxiety, stop your gag reflex, and numb treatment areas with the help of oral sedatives.

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Rejuvenate Your Oral Health with a Full Mouth Restoration

Full mouth restorations consist of multiple restorative and cosmetic dentistry services to elevate your oral health and revitalize your smile. Dr. Anderson takes your overall well-being into consideration when planning a full mouth restoration and will make sure you’re always aware of all your treatment options. She’ll work with you to design a personalized treatment plan to reach your dental goals and meet your needs.

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